The duck always quacks twice at night! (Forgive me, but that is an inside joke for Jil and Jeff)
We rode an elephant this morning!!! It was so cool. I also had the opportunity to feed an elephant. Hopefully, we have pictures of these events to post on the blog. This all occurred at Angkor Wat.
Cambodia has been fascinating. It is a country of major contrasts. On one hand we are staying in a five star hotel where every one of our comforts is dealt with at the mere mention of a need. On the other hand we passed abject poverty on our way into Siem Reap from the airport and we have been inundated with people trying to sell us postcards, guide books, etc. The country side scenery is beautiful. We are thoroughly enjoying our experience here.
This morning we visited Angkor Wat. It was every bit as impressive as Machu Picchu. Lynda and I have been discussing which we were more impressed with without coming to a consensus of opinion. Angkor Wat was originally built by the Hindus but was taken over by the Buddhists. It was abandoned maybe 300 years ago when the kings that had it built moved to Phnom Penh. It was not rediscovered until the mid 19th century. Nature had taken its toll. During the Khemer Rouge communist regime of late 20th century more damage was caused by bombing during the Civil War. Everywhere we looked there were Buddhist shrines, all of them very ornate and there were many Buddhist monks wandering around. I’m convinced they were there to present photo ops for the tourists. As with Machu Picchu, the sheer magnitude of the temple and the fact that it was constructed almost 900 years ago is overwhelming.
This afternoon we are visiting another part of Angkor Wat. The temple we are visiting this afternoon was where part of “Tomb Raider” with Angelina Jolie was filmed. I’m assuming we will not see Ms. Jolie while we are there. We will report more later.
We have returned from our afternoon sojourn. As I surmised, no Angelina Jolie. The temple we saw this afternoon is in a considerable state of disrepair. Nature is the main culprit. The trees have so overtaken the walls and buildings that to take the trees down would cause the structure to collapse. Hopefully, there is a picture that shows these mammoth roots.
It has been a long and exciting day. Tonight we have a cocktail party and buffet dinner outside by the pool. There will also be local traditional entertainment. Tomorrow we fly to China.
Tim and Lynda
We rode an elephant this morning!!! It was so cool. I also had the opportunity to feed an elephant. Hopefully, we have pictures of these events to post on the blog. This all occurred at Angkor Wat.
Cambodia has been fascinating. It is a country of major contrasts. On one hand we are staying in a five star hotel where every one of our comforts is dealt with at the mere mention of a need. On the other hand we passed abject poverty on our way into Siem Reap from the airport and we have been inundated with people trying to sell us postcards, guide books, etc. The country side scenery is beautiful. We are thoroughly enjoying our experience here.
This morning we visited Angkor Wat. It was every bit as impressive as Machu Picchu. Lynda and I have been discussing which we were more impressed with without coming to a consensus of opinion. Angkor Wat was originally built by the Hindus but was taken over by the Buddhists. It was abandoned maybe 300 years ago when the kings that had it built moved to Phnom Penh. It was not rediscovered until the mid 19th century. Nature had taken its toll. During the Khemer Rouge communist regime of late 20th century more damage was caused by bombing during the Civil War. Everywhere we looked there were Buddhist shrines, all of them very ornate and there were many Buddhist monks wandering around. I’m convinced they were there to present photo ops for the tourists. As with Machu Picchu, the sheer magnitude of the temple and the fact that it was constructed almost 900 years ago is overwhelming.
This afternoon we are visiting another part of Angkor Wat. The temple we are visiting this afternoon was where part of “Tomb Raider” with Angelina Jolie was filmed. I’m assuming we will not see Ms. Jolie while we are there. We will report more later.
We have returned from our afternoon sojourn. As I surmised, no Angelina Jolie. The temple we saw this afternoon is in a considerable state of disrepair. Nature is the main culprit. The trees have so overtaken the walls and buildings that to take the trees down would cause the structure to collapse. Hopefully, there is a picture that shows these mammoth roots.
It has been a long and exciting day. Tonight we have a cocktail party and buffet dinner outside by the pool. There will also be local traditional entertainment. Tomorrow we fly to China.
Tim and Lynda
Ok, I've notified the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, EPA, and the AKC. I've spoken personally with Jimmy Carter and Jessie Jackson. Every USPS employee anywhere near the Pacific Rim is on the lookout for anything suspicious. We are going to get you back,just as long as they don't ask for any money.
Seriously though, It sounds like you are having an incredible time. I can't wait to hear more about it on the 25th.
Everyone is doing fine here. Grandpa's van started right up the other day and your plants are looking as well as can be expected considering Heather and I are looking out for them.
We miss you and look forward to your next post.
I think I can put up $25, maybe $30, toward the ransom! :)
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